



Suphithat Songsiri

MTrust: a reputation-based trust model for a mobile agent system
Konferenz "The 3rd International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing (ATC-06)", Wuhan ,China, 03. bis 06.09.2006 ISBN: 978-3-540-38619-3


Thorsten Kisner

Sicherheitsaspekte in IEEE 802.11
Kolloquium des Graduiertenkollegs "Mathematische und ingenieurwisschenschaftliche Methoden der sicheren Datenübertragung", Hagen, 22. Juni 2006


Firoz Kaderali, Alex Didier Essoh

An e-Learning Strategy for Africa based on Open Source Experience in Europe
IST-East Africa Conference 2006, IIMC-Verlag, Irland 2006, ISBN 190 58 24 017


Firoz Kaderali, Thorsten Kisner

Experiences with open source for e-learning
Achema 2006, Frankfurt am Main, 19.05.2006


Suphithat Songsiri

A Naming Service Architecture and Optimal Periodical Update Scheme for a Multi Mobile Agent System
IEEE, International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technology and Internet Commerce - IAWTIC' 2005


Suphithat Songsiri

A New Approach for Computation Result Protection in the Mobile Agent Paradigm
IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2005)


Gerd Steinkamp, Albert Bullig, Eberhard Heul, Firoz Kaderali, Heinz Müller, Gunter Schlageter

Developing and Deploying an XML-based Learning Content Management System at the FernUniversität Hagen
eleed Journal 1/05 ISBN: 1860 7470


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