4.7 Verschlüsselungsmodi
Animation 4.7-1 demonstrates the different modes of operation.
You can choose between the 2 block ciphers DES (64 Bit block length / 64 Bit key length) and IDEA (64 Bit block length / 128 Bit key length).
The following modes of operation are implemented
ECB - Electronic Codebook Mode
CBC - Cipher Block Chaining Mode
CFB - Cipher Feedback Mode
OFB - Output Feedback Mode
Besides you have several possibilities to experiment with this applet.
The plaintext and both keys (sender and receiver) can be input in ASCII-Text.
In the modes CFB and OFB the shortened block length r can be changed.
In the modes CBC, CFB and OFB the Initialvector IV can be changed.
You can input transmission errors.
One block can be transmitted in a film sequence or step by step.